Self-Love Affirmations

Episode 4 February 02, 2023 00:32:58
Self-Love Affirmations
Give Yourself a Break
Self-Love Affirmations

Feb 02 2023 | 00:32:58


Show Notes

In the epizode 4 of Give Yourself a Break Podcast Ania Haas, MS. BCC. presents  Self-Love Affirmations. These affiramtions are very powerful. Take a Break, Take a nap, put headphones on and let the affirmations go deeply into your Subconscious Mind so you see the results instantly. Create your world founded in authentic self-love. 

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Episode Transcript

Welcome back to Give Yourself a Break podcast. My name is Ania Haas. I'm your host. Welcome back to the show today. Let's take a break together with the self-love affirmations. Find for yourself comfortable position. Take few gentle breaths into your body. You can drop your shoulders down and relax your jaw. You can even open your jaw and relax it and then let go. Allow your body for micro movements till you find comfort level, and as you are breathing in and out of your body, allow yourself to relax more and more With each breath you take. You're noticing gentle body unwinding, so just go with it. Allow your body to unwind. Your body knows what to do to get into the state of deep relaxation, so just allow yourself to trust and relax even more. With each breath you take and with the sound of my voice, you'll notice how you are going deeper and deeper into the state of relaxation, and your state of relaxation is doubling the level of relaxation that you just noticed a moment ago. So just allow yourself to breathe and feel safe. Let go of any conscious thoughts and know Speaker 1 00:02:57 That even if you, you fall asleep or relax, the words about self-love will go. Go to the right place within you and peaceful. Breathe out anything that is no longer serving you. Breathe in peacefulness and let go that is no longer serving you. I am infinite love. I create the world from the love for myself that I hold within. I am working to be in love with myself. I love and cherish myself. I love and accept myself unconditionally. I am so grateful that I am the way I am. I love each aspect of myself as I let go of my fear. I discover more and more that I'm dev divinely guided. I trust my life. I trust myself. I create my life experience based on my love to myself. As I choose to love myself so deeply. Others do the same. I let go and release any emotions and energies that no longer are serving me. I am breathing in, take peace, and I'm letting go of any fears and worries. Calmness is filling me up with each breath I take. I love myself fully. I love myself fully. Negative thoughts pass through me and don't stick with me. Speaker 1 00:07:04 I let go so easily of anything that is no longer serving me. I let go of all of the old programs that limited me. I come back to myself, to my center and feel myself with joy, peace, and love. I love and respect myself. In fact, I love and respect myself. The words that I speak come from my heart. I'm letting go of any stress that prevents me from experiencing life fully. I allow myself to spread my wings. I allow myself to spread my wings. I feel free in my life. I easily let go of anything that I cannot control in my life. It feels so good to be filled with peace and quiet. I'm living each day in a gratitude. Gratitude gives me energy to create life from my heart. I love myself truly and unconditionally. I enjoy so much to be in a pure state. I can take deep breaths that cleanse my body and mind. I become clearer and clearer each day with every bread I take. I find myself accepting and love myself so fully. I choose gratitude. I'm thankful for everything that ever happened to me. I learned my lessons promptly. I let go of the past. Speaker 1 00:10:53 I enjoy so much to be in a present moment. Nothing bounce me to the past. I start each day with a loving heart. I love myself so deeply and unconditionally. I trust my intuition. Everything will be okay. Good things happen to me. I am my own hero. I create life. Being in love with myself. My life is wonderful. I have endless strength. I am a more that I've ever imagined. I surprise myself about myself every day. It's so wonderful to be here. My world loves me. I see my reflection in others and I love my life. I love being here. I find that kindness is filling me up. I appreciate my life. The more happy thoughts I have, the more happy moments I create. I make decisions about myself. All of my decisions, I are based on self-love. In fact, I like being independent. I create life that is beautiful. I trust myself. I love myself. I nourish myself and care for myself daily. I like myself. When I smile, I feel safe at all times. I allow myself to unfold. I allow myself to unfold. Life is a dance. I move my body gracefully Speaker 1 00:14:45 And I listen to the music of life. My body, mind, and spirit is one. Life is easy. I create out of self love. Everything comes to me easily and effortlessly. You are infinite love. Who wants to be discovered? I am infinite love who wants to be discovered. You created the world from the love for yourself that you hold within. I create world based on a love that I hold for myself. You are worthy to be love infinitely. I am worthy to be loved infinitely you love and cherish yourself daily. I love myself and cherish myself daily. You love and accept yourself fully. I love myself and accept myself fully. You feel grateful that you are the way you are. I am feeling grateful that I am the way I am. You love each aspect of yourself. I love each aspect of myself. As you let go of your fear, you discover more and more that you are divinely guided. As I let go of my fear, I discover more and more that I am divinely guided. You trust your life. You trust yourself. I trust my life. I trust myself. You create your life experience based on the love that you hold within. Speaker 1 00:18:14 I create love. I create life experience based on the love for myself. You let go and release any emotions and energies that no longer serve the highest good. I let go and release an emotions and energies that no longer serve the highest Speaker 0 00:18:54 Goal. Speaker 1 00:18:59 You are breathing and peace and letting go of fear and worries. I am breathing peace and letting go of fears and worries. Calmness is filling you up with each breath you take. Calmness is filling me up with each breath I take. You love yourself fully. I love myself fully. Negative thoughts pass and don't stick with you. Negative thoughts pass and don't stick with me. You let go of anything that doesn't belong to you. I let go of anything that does not belong to me. You come back to your center and fill yourself with joy, peace, and love. I come back to my center and fill myself with joy, peace and love. You. Love and respect yourself. I love and respect myself. The words that you speak come from your Speaker 0 00:20:53 Heart. Speaker 1 00:20:56 The words I speak come from my heart. You let go of any stress that prevents you from experiencing your life fully. I let go of any stress that prevents me from experiencing life fully. You allow yourself to spread your wings. I allow myself to spread my wings. You feel free in your life. I feel free in my life. It's safe to let go of anything that you can't control. It is safe to let go of anything that I can control. It is so good to be filled with love and joy. You are living each day in gratitude. I am living each day in gratitude. Gratitude gives you energy to create your life from your heart. Gratitude gives me energy to create life from my heart. You love yourself fully and unconditionally. I love myself fully and unconditionally. You enjoy to be in a pure state. I enjoy to be in a pure state. You take deep breaths that cleanse your body and mind. I take deep breads that cleans my body and mind you become clearer and clearer. Each day. I become clearer and clearer each day with each breath you take, you find yourself accepting and loving yourself even more. Speaker 1 00:24:00 Whatever breath I take, I find myself accepting and loving myself more than before. You choose gratitude. I choose gratitude. You are thankful for everything that happens to you. I am thankful for everything that happens to me. You let go of the best I Let's go of the past. You enjoy being in a present moment. I enjoy being in a present moment. Nothing bans you to the past. Nothing bounds me to the past. You start each day with clear and open heart. I start each day with clear and open heart. You love yourself. I love myself. You trust your intuition. I trust my intuition. Everything will be okay. Good things happen every day. You are your own hero. I am my own hero. Your life is wonderful. My life is wonderful. You have endless strength. I have endless strength. You are more than you've ever imagined. I am more than I ever imagined. It is wonderful to be here. You appreciate your life. I appreciate my life. The more happy thoughts you have, the more happy moments you create. The more happy thoughts I have, the more happy moments I create. You make decisions about yourself. Speaker 1 00:27:36 I make decisions about myself. You like being independent. I like being independent. Your life is beautiful. My life is beautiful. I love myself. You nourish yourself and care for yourself daily. I nourish myself and care for myself daily. You like yourself when you smiling. I like myself when I'm smiling. You feel safe at all times. I feel safe at all times. You are allowing yourself to unfold. I am allowing myself to unfold. Life is like a dance. You're allowing yourself to move gracefully. I am allowing myself to move gracefully. Your body, mind and spirit is one. My body, mind and spirit is one. Life is easy. Everything comes to you easily and effortlessly. Everything comes to me easily and effortlessly. I hold infinite love for myself, so I love myself. In fact, I love myself so deeply and allow myself to unfold in this beautiful life that I have.

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